

近日手上over 80% 我的心水好股,都大升,升到連現在是什麼價位都記不到...

current price 50 days price over 50 days %
358 江西銅業 13.9 12.636 10.003
386 中國石油化工 8.95 8.150 9.816
388 香港交易所 126.8 91.987 37.846
813 世茂房地產 19.14 17.642 8.491
883 中國海洋石油 9.25 7.776 18.956
939 建設銀行 5.85 4.948 18.230
941 中國移動 86.45 75.710 14.186
1398 工商銀行 4.61 4.258 8.267
1800 中國交通建設 17.38 11.803 47.251
1898 中煤能源 14.26 10.087 41.370
2628 中國人壽 28.75 25.886 11.064
2823 A50中國基金 164.5 153.662 7.053
3328 交通銀行 8.42 8.322 1.178
3968 招商銀行 24.4 21.252 14.813

眼看 388, 1800, 1898 over 50 days line 38%, 47%, 41%... 真是一個奇觀...!!!
現在見到人家討論什麼位買 388, 1800, 1898...感覺真是很古怪... 對於用平2-3倍買... 現在不是天價嗎???

好股真是要在佔近50天線才買來長hold 呢...!

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

咁即係1800 現價 17.4 左右仲買唔買好??

Mcdull Pong 說...

I don't suggest to buy 1800, 1898 at that moment...!

Why don't think think some bank stock la...

I suggest to think think 939, 941, 2628

匿名 說...

oh! thanks very much!!
but is that better to buy the stock after some kinds of "adjustment"?

because the price is quite high during these days~

thanks a lot!

Mcdull Pong 說...

wait for some kinds of "adjustment"

It is always true...